May Updates Town Hall 10 Analysis

Tactical Analysis
May Updates: New Town Hall level 10

Is it worth to go to Town Hall 10 now?
Top player have to upgrade to Town Hall 10 because they are at max Town Hall 9. Small improvement of Dragon level 4 and Golem level 5, along with Inferno Tower, X-Bow level 4 and additional Canon & Archer Tower, will definitely help on both attack and defense in trophy race.

Clash of Clans Tactics

How about normal player or typical farmer? 
Don’t rush yourself because the loot penalty will affect your resource earning rate. At Town Hall 10, easy Town Hall 8 comes with 50% loot penalty. It will be hard to find good resources from Town Hall 9, and most of the time you have to fight against dual X-Bow.

Don’t get fooled by new awesome Inferno Tower as same as lots of premature Town Hall 9 get lured by Archer Queen and X-Bow.

So Town Hall 10 only gives access to only Dragon level 4 and Golem level 5? 
Yes, it is…….for now. In the next few months, there will be lot of goodies for Town Hall 10.

Need proof? We have no proof but strong evidence.
2 months after Town Hall 9 released, Supercell offer Heroes including Archer Queen, additional and new upgrade of X-Bow to Town Hall 9. A month later, Town Hall 9 has useful troops level 6 to enhance their attack army.

Attack log and replays?
Last 10 attack logs will be stored for your record. You can now easily track how much resources and trophy you gain from the last 10 attack.

Last 4 attack replays will be viewable for your pleasure. Actually, this is the best way to learn your mistakes of troop deployment and also able to share your great tactics among your friends.

The center of your village is now marked with a plaque.
One of the most important tips in Advanced Defense Tactics is determine what should be at the center of your base. This mark is where your Clan Castle or other precious buildings will stay.
Clash of Clans

Decreased Healer’s housing space requirement, training time and training cost
Pre-update Healer has 20 housing space, 20 minutes training time.
Post-update Healer has 14 housing space, 15 minutes training time.

Recent addition of Air Defense seems to counter Healer tactic, however, reduced Healer’s housing space is a huge improvement and has been requested for many months to make Healer becomes playable.

We have tried a lot of combination with some Wizards & Archers. Using 4-8 Healers in conjunction with 12-16 Giants or Barbarian King Level 10 seems to be good tactics against base with low to decent Air Defense placement. A lot of practices are still needed to make sure that your Healers won’t wander around and heal lowly Archer instead of Giant group.

While training time is not viable for typical farmer, with not much Elixir cost (compared to all Dragon army), it is decent combination to train in between 30 – 45 minutes break or overnight.

Defense setup against Healer;
Make sure you put at least 1 – 2 Air Defense near center of your base. Don’t be overconfident and leave all Air Defense outside of your base. May the Healer be on your side.

Decreased Heroes’ upgrade times, regeneration times and upgrade costs on some levels
  • No more ridiculous Heroes’ Upgrade times. Post-update, maximum upgrade time is capped at 7 days which is far better than pre-update 14 days.
  • Regeneration times are reduced. With only 4 minutes incremental change on each Heroes level and maximum cap at 3 hours, they are really worth for your Dark Elixir. Upgrade your Heroes whenever possible is always our recommendation!
  • Upgrade costs are reduced, especially Archer Queen from level 1 to 10. Because you normally avoid Archer Queen to get hurt and use her as sniper support, it is extremely good tactics to upgrade her for more damage output and don’t worry about her increased sleeping time.
Decreased cost of Dark Elixir Drill upgrade
While this seems irrelevant to the Attack and Defense Tactics, lower upgrade cost means more incentive for players to upgrade their Dark Elixir Drill which means more Dark Elixir circulate in the game. With more available loot, Dark Elixir troops will becomes easier to use. This is likely to be the way Supercell wants the players to try and use Dark Elixir troops.

Start learning how to use Minions and others; they will eventually become part of your army.


  1. I love all the updates!!! I do think that the walls should be cheaper, we already spend so much money, poor people who love to play this game can not afford to upgrade walls. Also I think that when you get to a higher TH level, you should get more gems in the gem box! Like TH1-5 get 25 gems, level 6TH gets 28 gems, Level 7THgets 32 gems,level 8TH gets 36 gems, level 9 TH gets 40 gems and level 10 TH gets 45 gems. That would help keep a lot of people who love this game stay. I know a few people who have left because it costs to much to do any more upgrades. Its sad because a couple of the people are the ones who begged me to play and join their clan. I hope you see this and at least consider this. Thanks :)

  2. I love all the updates!!! I do think that the walls should be cheaper, we already spend so much money, poor people who love to play this game can not afford to upgrade walls. Also I think that when you get to a higher TH level, you should get more gems in the gem box! Like TH1-5 get 25 gems, level 6TH gets 28 gems, Level 7THgets 32 gems,level 8TH gets 36 gems, level 9 TH gets 40 gems and level 10 TH gets 45 gems. That would help keep a lot of people who love this game stay. I know a few people who have left because it costs to much to do any more upgrades. Its sad because a couple of the people are the ones who begged me to play and join their clan. I hope you see this and at least consider this. Thanks :)
