Trap Upgrade

Trap is part of your defense, such as Bomb, Big Bomb, Air Mine.

Coming with Nov 2013 update; All Explosive Bombs are now upgradable! This can be game changer for both attack and defense tactics.

Trap Upgrade

Trap Upgrade Facts!
  • All explosive traps will have upgrade levels.
  • Initial upgrade levels are unlocked as you buy the traps from the shop, so this is for almost everyone.
  • Traps are individually upgraded using Builders to maximize potential strategy.
  • Upgrade times and costs are relatively short if compared to building upgrades.
  • Different trap types have different upgrades: Damage, radius..
  • Traps cannot be sold anymore.
  • Traps under upgrade are visible to enemies which is similar to Hidden Tesla.
  • Attacker can deploy troops on top of traps when traps are under upgrade.

Trap User Guide
  • After a trap is triggered, it stays right where it was, but its status is “Triggered”.
  • After a trap has been triggered, it needs to be re-armed.
  • You don’t need an available Builder to re-arm the traps
  • Upgrade levels don’t disappear when traps are triggered.
  • Re-arming traps cost gold. Re-arm cost increases when the trap is upgraded.
  • You can re-arm all traps with one button OR re-arm traps one-by-one.
  • Bombs explode faster. This helps you catch up with Hog Rider speed.
Clash of Clans

Stay tuned for more details!